Event Registration

Event 19

A Day visit at MCVK

Spend a day with us . You will get short insight of our campus and people living here.

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Event 22

Long Visit at MCVK

If You want to visit MCVK more than one day other than any Event and want to see all activities select this option.

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Event Closed
Event 26

Parichay Camp(11 May to 17 May)

7 days. Explore Your Innate Desire. Something is still missing in life, after all the hard work. It's time to fill that emptiness. Attend the Parichay Camp and you'll co...

Event Closed
Event 27

KIDS CAMP( 11 May to 20May )

Seekho Skills! Samjho Zindagi! All of us want to live with confidence, and we want same for our kids. Here's your chance to give your kids a glimpse of... a tactful, sk...

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Event 28

Adhayayn camp

प्रमाण से परंपरा तक! To attend this camp, you must have attended atleast one Parichay Camp and one Vikalp Camp. Comprehensive study of society and system, thatwill prepa...

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